Our readers are such great cooks and give us some of the best recipes. Here is a white gingerbread cake recipe from Bea that sounded different and interesting. If you don’t like the molasses flavor in regular gingerbread, this recipe may be for you because it has no molasses. It is like a spice cake.
I think it would be delicious for breakfast, dessert or snack and might be good drizzled with a little vanilla or caramel frosting.
White Gingerbread Cake Recipe
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, cut up
Mix and reserve 1 cup.
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. mace
1 egg
1/2 cup buttermilk
Mix all ingredients into the flour mixture. Put 1/2 cup of the reserved topping on bottom of a greased baking pan. Pour the batter on top. Sprinkle the other 1/2 cup topping over the top. Bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes or until a toothpick pushed in the center comes out clean.
Photo By: Virginia Hill
Hi Jill, Here is a recipe I just found a few days ago. It was one of Pope John Paul II’s favorite foods. It’s called “Papal Cream Cake” in his honor now.
Papal Cream Cake
2 sticks butter
3 cups flour
3 Tablespoons water
3 egg yolks
a pinch of salt
Grease 2 (8 or 9 inch cake pans). Coat with bread crumbs and set aside. Cut the butter into the flour. Beat the egg yolks in the water. Mix into the flour mixture well. Divide batter in halves and spread and press into pans. Bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes. Remove when cool.
Custard Cream Filling
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
a pinch of salt
6 egg yolks
Scald the milk and vanilla. In a heavy saucepan combine the sugar, flour, salt and egg yolks. Stir until very well blended by whisking. Add milk gradually. Cook over low flame, stirring constantly, being careful to scrape bottom of pan.
Bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Pour cream into a bowl and let cool. Stir occasionally. When cold spread all of cream on bottom layer of cake. Add top layer. Dust with confectioners sugar.
Hi Bea you through me for a loop. It’s Weds. and you are home. Hope you are ok. This recipe looks good too. We printed one you gave me on today’s post. Are readers as some of the best cooks. I think my greandson would love this. He is crazy about Boston Cream Pie cakes so he probably would love this too. If you are off work hope you have a super good relaxing day. : )
Hi Jill, Yea I have today off. I have some things to get done. I hope you or your family makes this cake. I love Boston Cream Pie too and donuts with custard cream. Yum. Yum. If the Pope liked it it must be good. Hah hah.
Thanks for using the White Gingerbread Cake recipe. Tonight I’m going to make that angel cake mix with the lemon pie filling recipe. I’ve been wanting to make that recipe for a long time BUT do you know how hard it is to find lemon pie filling? I tried to find it for months in several stores and now for Christmas I guess Walmart has it. It was like searching for gold.
It is hard to find it sometimes Bea. If you ever get desperate you could use the filling from our Lemon Meringue Pie in Dining. Of course it isn’t as easy opening up a can but just if you can’t ever find the can stuff.
I’m confused. Do I pour the “Add” ingredients into the “topping” ingredients? Also can I use “regular” milk? Right now, all the milk I have in the house is boxed milk from a Commodity Box.
Sandra mix up the topping ingredients then set aside 1 cup. To what is left add the add ingredients. Pretty much what you are doing is just leaving some out to sprinkle on top after you get everything mixed together. Also you can use regular milk. If you have some you might add a couple of tsp. of vinegar or lemon juice to the milk to “sour” it a little if you can. The texture might be a little different then if you used buttermilk but other wise it should be fine.
Jill, Did you know that the Post Office has a Gingerbread House stamp for Christmas? It makes me think of you.
I did not know that Bea. I will have to check into that. I was needed to get stamps next week so as usual you timing is perfect.
You want to hear a weird story? Yesterday I got in the mail a mailing about the post office and shipping for Christmas, and I noticed the Gingerbread House stamp and thought it was so cool and thought of you. I called the local post office near me to see if it was available. A woman answered the phone in the back room of the post office and said she didn’t know, but gave me another phone number to call for the front. I called it 4 times and there was no answer, so about 10 minutes later I called the original number and the woman said, “The WEIRDEST thing just happened. Right after you called me the woman from the front desk came back here which she HARDLY ever does and she was bringing the new stamps in and one of the choices she brought was the Gingerbread House stamp.”
She thought that was weird. I was happy because the other phone wasn’t being answered and I found out what I wanted to know by coincidence.
How big a pan for this?
About a 9 in pan.