From: Rachel
Tawra, I was reading some of your older blogs, and you mentioned paying textbook rental fees for your kids. Do you still have to do this?
Yep! This year it will be almost $400 for our 3 kids to attend "free" public school, on top of what we pay for taxes, which for us is the highest in the state.
It’s $75 for textbook fees for each, $25 technology fee (for computers) and we then we have to pay for field trips, shirts for the class and other extras. I have to say I wouldn’t mind except that I see so much waste. In these supposed hard times why does each kid in the class need a matching T-shirt to wear each Friday? We also have to pay for some class parties like Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
It is also very irritating that the list will call for things that the kids don’t even use. Notebooks come home with 3 or 4 pages used. Camera film is asked for but not used. Then kids are taught not to be wasteful. I know mom who had to buy 30 glue sticks for her son. Just crazy!!!
I am waiting until the very last second to enroll them since we are trying to sell our house. That last second is 4:00 next Tuesday! I am still holding out hope that we can get it sold this week! :-) Thankfully I don’t have to pay the fees until the day school starts.
We did go shopping today for school supplies and it cost us about $25 for each kid including backpacks (thrift store finds).
So I’m curious, how much do you have to pay for the your kids "free" education?
photo by: seeveeaar
what if the child and its family doesnt celebrate holidays due to religious reasons or they are jewish and dont celebrate christmas, are they still required to pay for the parties?
and you are right, that is alot of money to shell out for “free” public school.. altho i am not surprised…
we have a middle school here that if the kids want to wear a backpack to school (which they have to bc the school took out all of the lockers!), it has to be clear! and its supposed to be a hard plastic… but thru out the year, i always hear a parent or two complaining that they have to replace the backpack several times a year bc of the weight of all the books… and some fo the books? they arent even real books (with a hard or paper back cover like what we had).. they are work books… which in one way is much smaller and lighter … and if the girls want to bring a purse in, it has to be clear… all others will be taken adn if the student wants it back, they have to have their parents come in and get it…
not sure if cell phones are allowed at this middle school… bc no one talks about that…
“free” school just seems to be getting so expensive these days…
just my opinion …
My my how the times change in just a short while! When I was in grade school, which wasn’t too long ago (I’m in my mid twenties). The schools I went to were actually free for the most part. We had to pay for school hot lunches, and sometimes a small fee for a field trip, but that was usually it. Now they are inventing all kinds of things, like ‘textbook fees’. I can’t imagine my mom’s reaction if she would’ve had to pay textbook fees and all that other stuff you mentioned. lol.
Wow! That is alot I live east of you in a neighboring town and I don’t pay that much. Our School fee’s went up $10 this year, school lunches went up .10 a meal (thank god,my child does not like the lunch which I only allow her to eat maybe 3 times a year, when the pizza is catered in.)and the school my daughter goes to cut the required school supplies. However, we have to bring a rem of copy paper and 3 to 6 box’s of tissue’s to school. My daughter is in grade school but they say middle school there is a fee for everything! Now other school in our town thier school supply list are huge and they require more supplies “Do to budget cuts”! I am thankful I only have the one to pay for and not three or more.
Debby Clayton
I am sorry folks but nothing is “free” As an educator, I know that there is waste but as times get tough the schools get hit first. Public means you are not kept from attending. If you have legitimate complaints about things, I urge you to talk to the principal at your school. In NC, we do not charge textbook rental and I am glad. I too agree that another system needs to be in place. The textbooks are very heavy and especially for the students taking upper level courses here at my high school. I wish funds were available for each student to take a book home to keep there and also a class set to be used at school. With new technology, books can be replaced with digital media but I live in a poor rural county that cannot begin to afford the computers for students at home that they would need.
Wow, this makes me happy I’m homeschooling, I don’t even spend that much in a year :)
I am a teacher at a “free” public school. You would not believe how much money I spend out of my own pocket to provide for my students each year. Very often, it comes without a thank you and a demand for more. The way textbooks are treated by students, I wish we did have a textbook fee. I want to give the students the best education I can, but I need help from home too. Students should have basic supplies at home, like pencils, paper, crayons, scissors, and glue. When I ask that each child have a notebook, I am teaching organization. Please remember that when teachers ask for supplies.
I worked at a public school for several years, kids are now in college and spent several years helping with major fundraisers. I don’t like the extra fees either, but schools just don’t have the budgets for paper, ink cartridges, projector bulbs, etc that they used to. That being said, families cannot be forced to pay their “fair share” for lab fees or notebooks or PE clothes, it’s a voluntary contribution (in a public school). Families can ask for assistance with these fees from the school or parent group. Our middle school did provide an extra set of books for the students to keep at home and that helped a great deal.
That’s incredible! I know school lists around here call for kleenexes, etc. And I can understand that public school teachers need help from parents to provide supplies; my mom taught for 30+ years. It’s not the teachers’ faults they aren’t supported. Beauracracy breeds waste, whether it’s in schools or government or wherever.
We homeschool, and I’ve even seen homeschooling families who spend BIG bucks that (IMHO) wouldn’t be neccesary. I have 4 this year- 9th, 5th, 3rd, and preschool. I spent less than $150 for all books and supplies. We intentionally keep an eye out for cheap supplies, and we plan to use more textbooks than consumable workbooks when possible.
I feel for you families forced to pay so much for supposedly “free” school.
Our kids are in a cyber charter school. The only expense we have is notebooks, pencils, costs for field trips (which aren’t required), and internet access, (which is partially reimbursed). Everything else is provided, including art supplies and computer equipment. However, our school taxes are outrageously high.
We had looked into that when we were considering homeschooling. That is probably the way we would have gone if we were going to do it. It sounds like a great program.
What gets me about our school system is having to provide “supplies” that aren’t used. Why ask for bandaids if you’re going to send the kids to the clinic anyway? Why insist they have items like a 5-subject, spiral bound tablet with a plastic cover but without perforated pages when it doesn’t exist? Why do they use hand sanitizer instead of sending the kids to the bathroom before lunch instead of after? I don’t have any fees per se for the youngest but expect to shell out at least $110 for the middle schooler, probably more, in addition to what we’ve already paid for backpacks, lunch boxes (all needed to be replaced), tablets, paper, pens, pencils, crayons, white board markers, etc. and it doesn’t include the gym suit, field trips or lunch. Text books stay at school in the class if they’re provided at all. No extra copies are available so don’t ask. Homework is printed out 4-pages-reduced-to-fit-on-1 and we have to blow it up at home in order to read it. Laptops are “optional” but you have to get one since that’s how they do testing. Kids who don’t get one simply take a classmates to do their test. If you’re lucky, the tech guy will load an electronic version of your text books on the laptop but it might not work property and there are no loaners if yours breaks. Instead of writing class notes, parents have to pay for paper and ink so the teacher can hand out copies to be glued into the notebook, creating your own textbook. I so wish my husband would allow me to home school. All told, our “free” education costs $400-500/yr for 2 kids.
We pay upfront for a month of lunches, so two kids will be $78. Also, with a middle schooler, there will be a charge of $15 for an activity fee to be in sports and school plays. Sounds like we get off dirt cheap here in ND!
I homeschool too. I was so glad when I didn’t have to buy supplies for the *community supply pile* anymore. I spent hundreds each year for my kids to never see their things again. They were allowed 1 pencil out of their 12, and when it was gone I had to buy more. They were never allowed to get any of the other 11. And that is not counting tissue, crayons, markers, paper plates, etc, etc, etc. Now that being said, I never had to pay a textbook or a tech fee. But now I take that same money and buy homeschool books we keep, and then resale when we are finished with them. I find it far cheaper and I can train my babies up in the ways of the Lord without opposition. I now have 3 that I have graduated, and 1 little one starting off. For those of you that have to pay all of those fees, I truly feel for you. And for the teachers that have to shell out of their own pockets. It is not fair. Seems like the taxes would cover it all.
when my first started kindergarten i bought the class shirt. 2 kids later and no way. i am also really sick of the excessive parties! i think a couple per year would be enough, but they have several and send home a sheet pretty much requireing us to send something. and don’t get me started on the price of lunch 2.25, are you kidding? the food is low quality and unhealthy. the lunch should be free for any child that wants it, and healthier.
I have never heard of this before, I have one in college and one in 1st grade and we have never had to pay any fees, we live in CA. Maybe its because everything already costs so much here I don’t know but good luck, I guess we have to be happy that we live in America and have public schools.
Mrs S
When one starts looking for the answers to fees and where the money is going, it turns to politics (which is not what this site is about.) The teachers are not responsible for the shortages, and the parents of one child should not be *forced to pay additional fees* to cover for parents who are unwilling/unable to provide appropriate supplies for their child. Most people are willing to be charitable when there is a real NEED for the school or other students. They should not be forced to pay up.
We sent our oldest to public school for K and were also angry at all the extra costs. So we homeschooled by virtual school for 2 years. We sent our 2 kids to a new charter school last year and they love it. There have not been a lot of extra costs (except field trips and my getting them to and from the school – no bus). The school lunch would cost $3.10 but my kids are picky so we brown bag it. I have seen the budget and our school does very well with the money they get. I might get picked on for this, but I think there can be a lot of better budgeting done in public schools. Who needed the same flier sent home 3 times? Or special folders for parent/teacher contact?
We live in California and taxes and all sort of “bonds” are used for “free ” public school. How about this; Fire three administration positions from each school and there would be more than enough money for “supplies”.
As far as teachers and parents buying supplies, if you{ and every other parent and teacher} doesn’t buy it the school will have to supply it.
Think about it. Is it that the school can’t afford supplies or they just don’t budget for the supplies ?!? If I am in construction I don’t bring my own nails to work ;the boss provides them.
P.S. I use to be a public school teacher who now homeschools my four children .I refused to buy “supplies” when I taught and “magically” the administration found the funds for supplies.
Ok Ladies and Gent ! One way to help on those school fees if your in hard times or other. Ask to speak to principle for a form to fill out that he/she can authorize to get a waiver or a reduced fee. Also if you cant get that set something up with the school to make payments on those fees through the year. Simply put if you dont have it , its public school they cant refuse your child !
Amy Greenberg
My son is a sophomore this year at a public school. Last year, we were unable to pay for his school books which were $200 which included a netbook computer. We are now being sued and the attorney slapped another $100 fee onto the $200. This year I have been told that book rental will be nearly $300, though I am wondering if that’s true. We haven’t received the bill for his books yet this year. Instead of paying book rental at school, now you have to go to a specified bank to pay it. School lunches are ala carte and my son spends $20 a week on his lunch. I am going broke while providing my son with a “free” education!
Amy Greenberg
Addendum to my comment above: I wish I could fight these high fees. I just don’t see how I would win when everyone here in Indiana has to pay them too. If all parents would band together and refuse to pay these high prices for books, then maybe we would be successful in at least getting them reduced to a more affordable cost.
Even though my family qualified for free lunches when I was in school, my lunch came from home, except for when I worked in the cafeteria for a free meal.
My husband gets comments on his lunches sometimes. I make his lunch. Some of the guys in his shop get jealous when he gets leftovers. It sure costs less than going out! and much more healthy.
Bill R
Our school charges 20.00 a week for lunches for an elementary school kid, BUT they have never so much as mentioned if there is an option for kids to bring their own lunch or not. I’m going to be calling tomorrow to ask!
Paying “fees” for textbooks, supplies etc is just another form of taxation on the middle and lower classes if you are attending a “public” school. I agree with a previous comment that public only means that the state cannot refuse to educate your child. Unfortunately parents/teachers have allowed this monster to develop to the point that it is very costly to educate your children in public schools.
Many of the fees would be unnecessary if the administrations of public schools were trimmed and less waste was absorbed at the district level. Teachers and students are just on the receiving end of government waste. It is too bad that teachers don’t unite and make this a cause for making schools more affordable for their students and families not to mention themselves. But until citizens of this country make their voices heard nothing will change. I don’t mean to sound “political” but this is just a fact as I see it.
The fees and demands will keep going up as long as we are in economic hard times and the states/counties/districts are free to waste the money they receive in taxes.