Are the kids driving you crazy? These easy and cool summer recipes including an easy snow cones recipe will entertain the kids all summer. And happy kids means happy you!
Chill Out This Summer – Cool Summer Recipes For Kids
The day moms dread all year long has arrived: the last day of school and the first day of summer vacation. Try these recipes to help the kids chill out:
Snow Cones
Crushed Ice
1 pkg. flavored drink mix (flavor of your choice)
Mix drink mix with half as much water as the directions indicate. Chill 1 hour. Just before serving, crush some ice. You can use either a snow cone maker or put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and pound with hammer. Pack ice chips into cups, pour chilled drink mix over the ice and serve. You can also use fruit juice boiled down to half with food coloring added.
Apple juice: green or red food coloring
Grape juice: purple food coloring
Frozen Grapes
Grapes (as many as you can get on sale)
Wash and separate the grapes. Drain and put on cookie sheet. Freeze. Store in freezer bags. Give to kids as frozen treats. Note: Do not thaw; grapes become mushy when thawed.
Frozen Bananas
skewers (optional)
Cut bananas in half crosswise. Insert skewer in the thicker end. Place bananas on a tray and place in freezer. When frozen, move to a plastic bag and keep frozen until ready to use.
nuts, finely chopped
peanut butter
melted chocolate
wheat germ
Allow bananas to thaw slightly. Put toppings in small bowls. Dip banana before each bite. Eat plain or roll or dip into any of the toppings. Use the wet topping first so the others will stick.
Play Dough
2 cups flour
2 Tbsp. oil
1 cup salt
1 tsp. cream of tartar
2 cups water
food coloring
Mix together all ingredients except food coloring in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture gathers on the spoon and forms dough (about 6 minutes). Dump onto waxed paper until cool enough to handle and knead until pliable. Store in a covered container or plastic bag. Add food coloring for different colors. Makes about 2 pounds.
Easy Finger Paints
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 cups water
Mix in saucepan and boil until thick. Then pour into a jar and add food coloring until the desired shade is achieved. Store covered in the refrigerator.
Finger Paints
1 pkg. unflavored gelatin
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup cornstarch
liquid dish detergent
food coloring
Dissolve gelatin in ½ cup water. Set aside. In a saucepan add cornstarch then slowly stir in 1 ½ cups water until well blended over medium heat. Cook until it boils, becomes smooth, thickens and turns clear. Add gelatin mixture and stir well. Pour into containers and add a drop of liquid dish detergent. Add food coloring until you get the desired shade. Store covered in the refrigerator 4 – 6 weeks.
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I LOVE these recipes for kids!! Though my own children are grown up with children of their own and, now that I am lucky enough to have 5 great grand children to love, I especially appreciate new ideas to share with them, Thank you so, so much for all you do to help those of us who struggle with whatever it may be, from meal planning or frugal recipes to getting ourselves debt free. You are awesome!
i think i’ll give the easy finger paint one a try, my almost 2 year old would have fun with that.
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My kids learned their colors by making play dough. They enjoyed it so much.
Yes good idea Judy.