One Dish Ham Dinner*
Glorified Green Beans*
Tossed Salad
Cheese Corn Bread*
5 Minute Peach Crisp*
One Dish Ham Dinner*
1-1 1/2 lbs. ham, cooked and thickly sliced
4 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
Salt and pepper
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 (10 3/4 oz.) cream of mushroom soup
1/2 soup can of water
In a large skillet brown the ham slices. Layer with the potatoes, salt and pepper. Next layer the onions. Dilute soup with the water and pour over everything. Cook for 2 minutes. Reduce heat and cook about 45-50 more minutes until potatoes are tender.
*Cheese Corn Bread
1 pkg. (8 1/2 oz.) cornbread mix
1 tsp. minced onion
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
Mix cornbread according to package directions. Add onion and cheese. Pour into greased 8×8 pan or muffin cups. Baking as directed.
*Glorified Green Beans
1 small can green beans
1/4 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
Saute mushrooms in oil. Add green beans and heat through. Place in serving dish. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix lemon juice and mustard and drizzle over beans.
*5 Minute Peach Crisp Recipe
1 (29 oz.) can sliced peaches, drained
2 envelopes (1.6 oz.) cinnamon spice instant oatmeal
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) margarine, melted
Place peaches in 1 1/2 quart greased baking dish or pan. Mix all the rest together and sprinkle on top of peaches. Bake at 425° for 15 minutes or until golden.
It is a cold day here -20 C. so this will make a good meal.
You say layer beans but don’t say how many or what type.
not a big deal with me since I like the recipe without beans but
someone might want to know.
As it is so cold I am going to make a beef vegetable soup now and toss it in the crock pot.
Will use the rest of the roast to have beef and gravy for when my husband gets home from work at 4 AM. no vegetables for him but something warming after snow blowing the drive ways at that rediculous hour so neighbours can get their cars out to go to work.
The ham one is going to be priority and then corn bread on the side for another cold day when he will be home to eat supper with me.
No fear of it not being a cold day when I use it. It is always cold here until about May.
I’m not sure what happened on that recipe Grandma. I went in a couple of days ago and specifically edited out the word beans from that recipe because it wasn’t suppose to be in there only onions. I don’t know if I didn’t hit update or what so sorry if it messed anyone up. Although I suppose you could add beans to it if you want.
Jill I have decided that computers would be even better if they did what we think at them instead of doing just what our fingers tell them to do.
I said that to my husband one day and his remark was that if men couldn’t figure out women why would a machine be able to do so.
Anyway I wouldn’t use beans it would not add to the dish at all.
Got my soup on and a good thing I do. A friend just had her husband drop off a shopping bag full of scrap balls of wool for more Barbie clothes. I have 10 outfits done so by next christmas some little ones will have new wardrobes for their barbies when I give them to the toy drives.
My grand daughter created a barbie knitting machine. At least until my new grandchild is interested if a girl dolls or if a boy wooden toys and blocks.
Sounds like either way (boy 0r girl) you will be busy. I bet you are beyond excited waiting to hear about your new grandbaby. Be sure to post as soon as you hear.
I got a chuckle when you said how cold it was. I can always tell when a TV show has been filmed in Canada because it is snowing in so many of the episodes. Burrrrrrrr but it sure looks pretty.
Can you use regular oatmeal and cinnamon, for the Peach Crisp, and if you can, how much oatmeal? Thanks.
Yes Bea you can. You would use about 1/2 cup of oatmeal. The main thing with using the instant is the fact everything (including spices) are all measured out and ready to go. You just mix it with the butter etc. so it is a little faster. There is no real hard fast rule for the topping on a crisp. I usually double the topping because I love that part and will sometimes add nuts.
Just use enough oatmeal with the marg. or butter to make moist and sort of crumbly to sprinkle on the peaches.
Jill, quick question. love the peach crisp. Do you think the instant oatmeal topping would work on canned pie filling, or would there be too much liquid. I suppose you could spoon off a tablespoon or so of the sytrup? Sounds super,
Happy New York and good health to you and your family!
Donna the topping should work fine on canned pie filling and you shouldn’t need to do anything different. Usually canned filling is much thicker so it should be ok.
grandma.. just curious . how do you create a knitting machine? .. is it like those new looms they are selling now? ..
thanks in advance :D
I want to know too.
jill .. after really looking at this recipe .. this really looks good .. i have a pork roast (butt roast) leftover in my crockpot (i cooked it in water and a bit of bbq sauce, to give it flavor) ..
i am wondering if i could use this instead of ham? .. and should i rinse off the bbq/water b4 adding the mushroom soup ..? ..
and bc of the peach crisp, if i have only the instant plain oatmeal do i have to add sugar? or just a dash of cinnamon? (the peaches should be sugary enuff, i would think :D
Yes you could use pork roast and even regular roast if you wanted to.
On the peach crisp I would add a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar or white and 1/2 -1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Of course you can add more or less of these to taste it doesn’t have to be exact.
Rose the roast sounds great. I wouldn’t take off the bbq sauce as it would give the dish a bit more tang.
Could you invite me for dinner. I rarely cook pork since my husband is allergic to it and a roast is too much for me to eat on my own.
yes grandma .. you can come to dinner at my house .. :D .. i would love it .. :D ..
i like the pork butts roasts .. they are normally on sale (99 cents/lb) and i put them in the crockpot (normally just add a bag of sauerkraut and some water and onions and cook all day on low) .. then i normally divide up the meat and freeze the excess .. but this weekend, i was really exhausted from working and etc, that i didnt and now i want to do something with the leftovers …
hubby used to love pork but with his illness he is eating more vegi’s these days and my son doesnt really like the roasts .. he likes the pork ribs and that is about it ..
sometimes we do order out at this steak house (called texas roadhouse) and their ribs are meaty and juicy .. so we order a full slab (which isnt too much bc of the size u get) .. and then we share the meal ..
i also like the pork chops we get at the supermarket .. no one likes those . but they are the really big boney ones … and i get one for me .. and the boys get hamburgers .. yes i know but i am not into hamburger all that much (like them) unless its meatloaf and for that i ask my daughter to make .. her’s tastes great even cold! .. i use the same meat and prepare the same way and her’s is much better ..
we are slowly changing our diets to a more healthier one .. with hubby’s leukemia and my health issues (i have diabetes) i want to cut out the sugars big time (i am truly addicted to sugar! and i love love love cake!) .. but i also want to get healthier too ..
i even got out my steamer to steam all of our vegi’s .. our son isnt too thrilled but then again we tell him either eat what we have or buy ur own .. so slowly he is changing too ..
its hard but for our health we have to ..
enuff said ..
thanks for posting this jill .. :D … and everyone :D
Rose if you have a bunch of left over pork roast you could make Green Chile with it. It is really yummy and easy to make with chicken broth,onion, green chilies and is served with cheese, lettuce, tomato or sour cream and flour tortilla shells. I didn’t know if you have Dining. It is on page 215. If you like that kind of thing let me know and I can give you.the recipe if you don’t have Dining. Don’t feel bad though if it isn’t your cup of tea (chile :)?????
thanks for the idea jill.. it does sound good but i am aftaid my stomach wouldnt be able to handle it if its spicy .. i cant handle spices very well ..
i think the only spices my body likes is garlic and oregano (the more the better on the oregano!) ..
i do have the cookbook dining on a dime and also the original one that tawra first came out with .. not just beans (or something like that ) .. in fact, i cant find my 2 cookbooks .. i lent them to my duaghter and now that i think about it i cant remember if she returned them .. hehehhe :D …
i also know i had the e-book version of the dining on a dime when it went on sale but that was on my old computer and that computer literally died .. and i cant retrieve it ..
i will have to ask my daughter about those cookbooks .. they are awesome …
and make great gifts too ..
thanks for sharing this info with me and everyone else .. :D
Made the Peach Crisp. Yummy, and nice and warm on a cold day.
You sent this out in the newsletter this week — and I’m keeping track of it. My DH LOVES peach crisp (actually, peach just about anything!), and we both love ham. Great dish in the cold weather.
I am going to use the oatmeal cereal and make a cherry crisp. My husband is also diabetic and I find that I can use the canned cherries (not the pie mix), add some splenda and a touch of flour to thicken and make a nice pie. I think a crisp would take less time and the topping would be just sweet enough.
Good idea. I would never have thought of the instant oatmeal. So easy!