Finding Free or Inexpensive Trees
From: Janet
I wanted apple trees really bad but boy are trees expensive. I found a nursery that sold bare root trees. What a savings that is. Also, we have a field behind us and a lot of times seeds will blow from trees and grow along the fence row. When we had trees die, we just went into the field and dug up existing trees (right on the other side of our fence where the farmers do not care.)
You can do this with a lot of trees. Where we live, there are hundreds of cedar trees. One time our neighbor accidentally burned down another neighbors trees. He just dug up a few other trees and re-planted them and they did great. It does work best to do this either in the late fall or very early spring so the roots have time to get established without stressing the tree.
Photo By: Liz West
Then, when your apple trees are really producing well, make applesauce! We made homemade applesauce for the first time two years ago and oh my! It is so wonderful. Definitely worth all the effort.
Our state Cooperative agency offers quite a few varieties cheaply and they’re locally grown so they do well for our climate. The only drawback is orders must be placed by Feb and pick up is on a Sat. morn. in May where you might have to stand in a long line (worth the wait to us).
We have also incorporated a number of “free range” food plantings into our gardens. The fig tree shading the corner of our patio was discovered sprouted as a 24″ weed blocking the gate to our side yard (the dogs and kids kept walking around it.) Heirloom tomatoes and squash were pulled as weeds last year, but transplanted to the desired raised beds in our yard as well as the school garden! We didn’t know what color or size they would be, so a lesson on genetic diversity was another bonus!
Our local college ag program also offers bargains on fruit trees, landscape shrubs, seedlings, and compost, if you get on their mailing list. Ask about “seconds” or leftovers from community sales. They can also be a resource for school and community garden programs.