Want to make toast while camping? Or maybe you are like me, I am without a toaster for a week or so. Here is an old girl scout trick for making toast that really works great, even if it sounds crazy.
Sprinkle some salt into a frying pan, heat it up over medium to medium high heat and lay a slice of bread on top of the salt. When it is brown flip it to the other side. Voila! You end up with toast just like it came out of the toaster. And no there is no salt taste to it.
photo by: MarshalAstor
I also like fried toast. Either melt the butter in the skillet or butter one side of the bread and put it in, butter side down. Check and when brown to your liking turn over to toast the other side.
Yes toast is yummy this way. We call it Texas toast and love it with honey.
Must try that.Thanks. I hate to be toastless.