Happy Thanksgiving!
I always think of tradition and turkey at Thanksgiving and not necessarily in that order. You know the saying “you’ve come a long way baby”? Every time I look at a turkey I think of those words because the first time I made a turkey, I took it out of the freezer 3 hours before serving it without realizing that it needed to thaw for days and cook for hours.
Now I have to chuckle to myself when I place that turkey on the table and everyone raves that it’s the best turkey they’ve ever eaten. When asked what they’re thankful for, they always add “mom’s turkey” (or in my grandson David’s eye “CHICKEN!”) to the list.
What I’m thankful for is my sweet family who always sits down at our Thanksgiving table with lots of love and a great sense of humor.
I am grateful for all of our faithful readers who with sweet thoughts, kind words and their prayers have supported and encouraged us all these many years.
So this year along with your turkey dressing and pumpkin pie be sure to serve a large platter of love, a bowl of patience, side dishes of kindness and consideration, pitchers of thankfulness and for dessert huge scoops of laughter with seconds on everything.
Happy Thanksgiving and may God Bless You!
Jill, Tawra, Mike and all the Coopers and Kellams
hope you all have a wonderful day.
remember it is the company that makes the day.
sit down to a bowl of pea soup with a friend or two and it can mean
more than sitting down to a feast with people you don’t really enjoy.
happy thanksgiving to all the Americans especially Jill and Tawra and Mike who made it so we could all meet and get to know each other.
Beautiful sentiments.