Summer Fun – Tips from Readers
Here is something I remember from my childhood (We usually couldn’t afford to go on vacations and the like). My father would line the bed of his truck with a large piece of heavy duty plastic or a large waterproof tarp and fill it with water. Some of my fondest memories growing up were of “swimming” in the back of Dad’s truck with my little brother!
Note from Tawra: My ever so frugal self loved this one! This is the kind of thing my dad would do for us. LOL We always did wierd stuff like this. Some of my fondest memories are going dumpster diving each Saturday morning! hehehe
In packing for car trips, my grandma always made sure to bring a wet washcloth. She would stuff it in a sandwich bag and use it whenever I would get sticky. I still do this today– 30 years later.
Powdered donuts and chocolate milk were always a special treat for me. My mom still buys them for me whenever I go home and it makes me think of the days trekking across the desert to New Mexico and Arizona from the Midwest.
When I moved to DC from Chicago, my friend and I packed our food. It was fun to have road meals together and not have to spend all the money on junky restaurant food. We had yummy fruits, sandwiches that were made with love, and even a whole thermos of special coffee we had brewed at home. I think we saved about $100 just by packing our own meals. Although, when going through West Virginia, I had to make a special stop at a Biscuit World (I love those places). -Cortni
Note from Jill: I must be an official grandmother now. I always take a wet washcloth in a baggie when I go with the grandkids, even now when store bought wipes are available. Something about the rough texture of the washrag does a faster and better job cleaning off sticky hands and faces and I save a ton of money by not ever buying wipes.
Not only does packing your own food save money, it also saves time, especially during the summer. We often have to wait a long time to get our food when we stop at a fast food place. Then to try to find a table is often hard. This is more difficult and time consuming than packing our lunch and letting the kids run around and eat in the shade at a rest area.
photo by: stuartwebster
I loved reading about the swimming pool in the pickup. When I was little, my dad did the same thing! My brother & sister were 12 & 10 years older than me & they used to get sooo mad because Daddy never did that when they were little ( can you say Daddy’s favorite? at least that’s what they thought). Thanks so much for bringing back such a wonderful memory!
That was a great idea to leave that “kit” to welcome someone into your “old” home. I really liked that.
One thing along that same line happened to Tawra when they moved into their old house. Her new neighbors not only brought her brownies to welcome her but she had made up a basket of bubbles and all kinds of little toys for the kids to entertain them during the unloading day. Jill
I don’t have anything to add to this except to say what a lovely act of kindness. I am definately going to remember this and if and when we ever move, I will certainly do this for the new owners. I am so impressed with this idea!
that is an awesome idea!…
thanks for sharing :D
rose :D
That powdered donut and chocolate milk sounds heavenly. What a great combination!
I still take a wet wash cloth in a baggie in the car to this day-even though my kids are grown. I also always have a jar of peanut butter and crackers that I keep in the car. I have found many errands and trips just around the city can take much longer than I had thought. When I start to feel like my blood sugar is a little low, I eat a few crackers and peanut butter for a quick pick up. Very often I take a banana, too. I also carry water-in the summer I put it in a plastic Igloo type jug with ice. It will keep all day. Staying hydrated seems to help me think more clearly!
These simple and cheap things save me soooo much money. I’m never tempted to go thru a drive-thru, or grab a donut. They aren’t healthy anyway, so it’s a win/win for me.
Love the other ideas:)
I love the idea of a wet washcloth in a baggie for cleaning. As a single person, I don’t have a need to wipe the kiddos down. But, I also think a wet cloth in a baggie while in a cooler would be a refreshing to wipe and cool down with on a hot weather outing. Thanks!