Easy Sewing Tips
- For a pin cushion that you can wear on your wrist, sew a hair scrunchy to a small pin cushion.
- Using the hems of old sheets and pillow cases, sew them to the backs of quilts for a sleeve to hang them by.
- Keep a dryer sheet in your sewing basket to run your thread across to prevent tangling.
Fusible web is the coolest thing since sliced bread. It is one of the easiest sewing tips, very versatile and is especially helpful for those who don’t normally sew. Here are two more ways to use fusible web:
- Apply double sided fusible web to fabric to use to cover boxes for all kinds of things. Just iron the fabric with fusible web on it to any box.
- Apply double sided fusible web to fabric and then cut out anything you want – initials, flowers, stars– anything! Then, using an iron, fuse it to a wall. It sticks beautifully and when you want to change it, just peel it off and it leaves nothing behind. This is so great for a nursery, kids’ room or teenage girl’s room. I would even look nice using decorator fabric for wall art in a living room.
Photo By: Sewing Daisies
Very Nifty ideas~~Thanks!
Fabric has become so expensive. I ask for it at garage/yard sales, sometimes people don’t remember to put it out for the sale. JoAnn Fabric has really good Red Tag shelves with discounted fabrics. It seems like when any bolt gets down to around 2 yds, it is discounted and placed there. TIP: JoAnn’s puts all their Red Tag fabrics on sale for another 50% off during a holiday- not just the biggies, but also Veterans, Columbus, Presidents, etc. I try to cruise in just before, scope out anything I am particularly interested in, and get there early the first 50% off day to get some serious bargains. I have gotten great fabric for scrub tops and shopping bags for $2 and $2.50/yd.
You are right Valarie Jo Ann’s is one of my favorite places to go.I was there just a couple of days ago and thought I had hit the jack pot. I was needing some big cardboard cores to make into candy canes for Christmas and they were having a sale on decorating fabrics and had a pile of cores the big rolls of fabric had come on. I asked if I could have them and they were so tickled for me to take them so they wouldn’t have to mess with tossing them.
Don’t forget to use Jo Ann fabrics for other things too. Use their 50% off coupons. I add a special egg white powder to my frosting when I bake at Christmas and was always buying it at Wal mart till one day it dawned on me I could get it for 50% off at Jo Anns. That includes food coloring and things like that. I have never got any but you can get things like those AS Seen on TV items, closet organizers, lamps, curtain rods, toys (stocking stuffers) with your 50% off coupons. They have a large bin of $1 items that I get for $.50 all the time. Great for the grand kids at Christmas.
I also have been hitting the thrift store for fabric. Besides chunks of fabrics themselves I have been looking at full and long dresses ($.99) to use for fabric and comforters ($2), flannel sheets for batting, lining and padding.
Can ask which thrift stores in SoFL are your favorites? I never seem to see fabric at my local ones.
I’m in Kansas Valarie but we have several Fl readers who might be able to help you. Not all stores are alike. We have many in wichita but I have just one favorite I always go to.
Oh, sorry Jill! Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale is our home church, and I missed you were in Kansas. I’ll contact you if I am every in KS though. Thanks!!
Valarie you go to Calvery in Ft. Lauderdale? How cool. We love your church and Pastor Bob so much we feel like you guys are our home church. Before Tawra and Mike moved to Colorado, they, my son’s family, I and sometimes others would get together every Sunday morning to watch Pastor Bob and had like our own mini church service. We even watch like on Christmas Eve and things like that. This is so neat it is like talking to a family member. I know I’m crazy. :)
We usually attend on Saturday night – Pastor Bob calls us his “lab church” because he tries out ideas on us and says, “I don’t think I will tell that story/say that the same way tomorrow!” If we can’t attend at 6 p.m., they stream a repeat of that service at 8:00 p.m. on Sat. nite as well. We love that church and Pastor Bob, too!
To funny. So you are one of the “lab church” people he talks about. :) I have to agree with everything you say. I have been to ton’s of churches in my life and there has not been another one that has the spirit like CCFL has. Can’t wait to tell Tawra you are from there if she hasn’t read it all ready. She’s been out of town for a few days.
Flannel sheets and blankets make great linings for utility quilts. They are not too heavy and yet are really warm. They are especially good for small children’s quilts because they are easy for them to carry around. Sometimes you can find a queen sized one that has a torn middle. My mom used to cut out the worn part and sew it back together to make a new sheet or blanket. Since it goes on the top of you, you are not lying on the sewn part and there is no ridge to make sleep uncomfortable. The edges are often barely worn because that is the part that is tucked under.
Be sure to sign up for JoAnn’s discount coupons. I get them about every 3 weeks and there are usually 4 coupons that cover several weeks. The Sunday paper often has a flyer with additional coupons.
One thing I have been making for friends with new babies is a fleece blanket. You put two pieces – wrong sides together. Cut out a 4″ square on each corner. Then cut up to the 4″ depth about every 3/4″ along each side (long side. After all the cuts are made, go back and tie the top and bottom slices together. Once it is cut you will see what it looks like and this will make sense. The blanket is sturdy, washable, and very warm. The fleece is also soft. I have one on my sofa and it is perfect to snuggle under for a movie night. The width of the fabric is 60″ and you can have it cut any length you want. For a family snuggle, make it 60 x 60. You will love it. I can make one in about 2 hours, start to finish. Wait and buy the fleece when JoAnn’s has a sale. There are so many designs and if you are not picky for color or design, can pick up a great bargain. You will love these. Good gifts.
Another thing about Jo Anns is the after Thanksgiving sale. I rarely hit those sales but I do go to Jo Ann’s because there is a crowd but not like other places and they have the best buys on that day without coupons. When you were talking about the fleece Maggie it reminded me that that day they usually have super buys on fleece.
OOPS, you will need to tie the fleece on all four sides. Sorry for the error. This is a fun project for kids to help you with. Make a knot when you tie the strips.
Joann’s and Michael’s both have app’s (for android and iphone) that have electronic coupons monthly, that you can use in addition to the paper ones. The cashier scans the coupon off of your smart phone screen.
Also, garage sales are killer for finding thread, needles and notions. I picked up baggies of hooks and loops (bra closures) and button snaps, which come in really handy for mending worn clothes. Also, my favorite sewing tip. Pick up a couple metal Jean buttons, they are super easy to install yourself, and are usually the first thing that goes on a pair of jeans (aside from the knees) that would make people want to throw them out. I pick up jeans from goodwill, and garage sales all the time that are missing the metal button. Knowing that I can take the 2 minutes to repair them.
Speaking of apps, Joann takes competitor coupons from apps. You can only use the competitor coupon if that competitor sells similar items. Ex. you can use a hobby lobby coupon at Joanns but not Michaels since Michaels doesn’t sell fabric.
I am not a committed seamstress by any means, but whenever I go to yard sales or thrift shops, I always look for odds and ends of sewing notions for a good price, and pick them up. I live 15 miles from the closest town, and we do not currently have a good sewing/fabric store. Years ago, there was a well stocked one, that was a bit expensive, but a person could find an appropriate zipper or card of snaps when needed. I keep the stash of sewing notions as my own mini store for sewing projects, most of which are mending or re purposing of clothes. I was questioning whether or not I should do this a few years ago, since I am not a dyed in the wool sewer, but my concerns diminished when I heard about an older lady in the church. She lived 28 miles from town, and had a serious stash of yarn, and knitting and crochet notions. She wasn’t afraid to pick up a good deal when she saw one. Her explanation? When she wanted to work on a project, mostly over the winter months, she didn’t have to go to town to gather up supplies. she went to her well organized spare bedroom.
Any avid sewer will tell you you can not have too much stash. : ) I keep a stash too because the grand kids or kids are forever needing something for a project of some sort and am always digging in my stash to find that certain ribbon or button or snap for something. I live right in town but I still keep a stash because I don’t want to take time to run to the store for one little thing and when it comes to sewing I usually need it right away for something.
Hit estate sales too. I hit one a few months ago and the woman was a seamstress with industrial machines and tubs of fabric. I got about 80 yards for less than $1 a yard plus notions and a 4 x 6 plastic cutting mat ($5!!). I’m in heaven.