This easy no knead sourdough bread recipe is a great recipe to make fresh baked bread at home! Your family will love this easy sourdough bread and if you have never made bread before, this sourdough bread recipe will make you feel like a pro!
Easy No Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe
This easy no knead sourdough bread recipe is everyone’s favorite and the recipe isn’t complex. Don’t let making the homemade sourdough starter scare you off.
We shared my recipe for simple Sourdough Starter. If you are ready to bake bread, I wanted to share a simple, beginner’s recipe for No-Knead Sourdough Bread that my friend Patti from Alderman Farms has in her new Easy Sourdough Start to Finish e-cookbook. It hasn’t failed me yet!
It’s flexible and easy, but most importantly it works! It doesn’t require a lot of hands-on time- but enough so that you know it’s delicious homemade sourdough bread.
Why I love this recipe: You can make it to fit your schedule. If you’re in a hurry just add yeast and it will rise in just an hour. If you don’t want to use yeast you can let it rise overnight to bake in the morning, make it up to rise all day to bake for dinner or whatever works best for you. I have let my dough sit for longer than twelve hours and it turned out fine!
WOW! This dough is sticky! The dough is going to be wet… that’s ok! Resist the urge to add more flour and keep kneading until the dough is tacky, but not sticky.
No Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe
1 1/4 cup warm water
1/2 cup starter
1 tsp. sugar or honey
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. yeast (optional)
1 Tbsp. of oil (any kind of oil; coconut, olive, veg, or butter)
about 3 cups all purpose or bread flour
- Mix warm water, starter, sugar or honey, salt, yeast, and oil.
- Mix in one cup of flour at a time. This will be a sticky dough.
- Leave dough in the bowl, cover and let rise until doubled.
- After it has risen you can cover the dough and put it in the refrigerator to use later. It will keep about a week in the refrigerator.
- Grease baking pan or line with parchment paper.
- Sprinkle a little flour on the surface and sides of the dough and push your hands between the dough and the bowl to release the dough from the bowl without deflating the dough. This can also be done with a cake spatula.
- Try to move it gently to the pan it will bake in.
- If deflated let rise until doubled again.
- Brush with melted butter and score the top with the sharp knife if you want that look.
- If you like the flour top look don’t brush with butter.
- Bake at 350° for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown.
Easy Sourdough Start to Finish!
Click here to get the Easy Sourdough Start to Finish Cookbook, with tasty step by step sourdough recipes you can use to make lots of delicious treats like a pro!
I follow all directions but place it in a loaf pan like I regulary bake all breads. Comes out perfect.
Question please, once dough has doubled and you want to refrigerate for later in the week, do you punch dough down and then refrigerate?? I have only made this same day and would like it to develop/age at least 24-36 hours. Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
No don’t punch it down. Just cover and put in the fridge and it will keep in there for about a week.
I went into autopilot and punched it down after the first rise. Ooop! Can it be saved?
Yes it can be saved just let it rise again. It maybe will be lighter and fluffier
May I use a Dutch oven? Also, may I substitute some rye flour?
I really don’t know. You could try it and see. If you use part rye flour that will change the texture of the bread so once again you will have to just experiment and see.
I made it in a Dutch oven, turned out perfect!
Hi this is my first time do you warm up your Dutch oven Before you bake it?
No Amalia you shouldn’t have to for this recipe.
I just made this and everyone loved it! I used olive oil and didn’t use any yeast. I did use bread flour. It was so tasty!
I’m sorry for my lack of experience but
1. What/how to make “starter”?
2. Does this come in a gluten-free version?
THANKS! AND BTW: I sincerely enjoy your content.
No problem Shylo it is highlighted at the top of the instructions or you can click on the link here Sourdough starter and we don’t have a gluten free one here on the website
How do you make the starter?
It is highlighted at the beginning of the instructions at the top or you can click here Sourdough starter
About how long is the typical rise? thank you
Here is what it says at the top of a recipe.
Why I love this recipe: You can make it to fit your schedule. If you’re in a hurry just add yeast and it will rise in just an hour. If you don’t want to use yeast you can let it rise overnight to bake in the morning, make it up to rise all day to bake for dinner or whatever works best for you. I have let my dough sit for longer than twelve hours and it turned out fine!
Hi Jill yes I made the sourdough recipe with yeast many times before even before I knew we we could use yeast I guessed it and I tried it works real well for the other people here as well if you are watching and you’ll still get the effect for the gut health and it will go to a quick arise and it comes out great just make sure that it measures 190-.200° with the meat thermometer then it should be done I only do one rise what I do is I mix and knead it 10 min. I put it in my bread pan baked it for 35 minutes enjoy everybody make sure you cool it down for a good two hours if you slice it before time it will get a very wet dough inside it has to be cool fully 👍🤗👵
Oh thank you Ingrid so much!!! That was so sweet and thoughtful of you!!! We have the nicest viewers you guys are the best and you mean so much to us.:) And thank you for the info on the sour dough bread too. It really helps others and gives them good ideas on different things. We get so many questions about making sourdough bread so the more info we have the better. Thanks again.
I’m new to making sourdough bread. So I used the quick rise method with yeast. It didn’t rise so I waited overnight, still nothing. Any ideas why?
There could be several things Cindy. You really can’t change or substitute things in bread recipes too well because they can really make a difference in how it comes out. You used all yeast instead of the starter so more often then not when you use yeast in bread you need to knead it. The yeast could have been old so you need to proof it to make sure it still works and you do that by putting it in a quarter cup of water that is 105 to 115 F temp- if it doesn’t foam up then it is dead. Also you need to put it covered in a warm place for approximately the time it says for it to rise. Usually overnight is way too long for it to sit out in most recipes. These are just a couple of ideas of what could have gone wrong.
Mine was rising alright but so gooey that it spread out like a giant pancake.
It sounds like you may not have used enough flour.
Looks like a great recipe and mine is in the fridge. Are there different instructions if you refrigerate a few days before baking?
No there aren’t Shel
Do you mix by hand? With a mixer? No stretch and folds? Just place on a baking pan however it looked mixed up in the bowl? Do you have to form it in a circle at all?
Usually it is mixed by hand but you could use the mixer. No stretch or folds. Just form it how every you like to fit the pan you are using.
Hello 👋. I made my sour dough bread and used all it said and my dough is really gooey /runny . I’m worried about how it will bake up . Should it be baked less than the regular time ?. Should I add more flour if it does this again ?
You could add a little bit more flour and then bake it the regular amount of time.
Well I have made this recipe three times now . The first time even though it was gooey it turned out great . The husband loved it . The second time it was not great this time it did rise really nice but deflated when I put it in the oven . It baked ok but not very brown .So I’m trying one more time Tomorrow. Wish me luck . PS . They all tasted good 😃👍🏼.
Very easy and tastes great
I baked mine about 10 minutes longer to get the correct internal temperature.
I also had to let it rise longer since my kitchen was a bit cold ; I warmed my oven and put it in for a bit and it worked great( should have done this to begin with lol)