In our dessert and cake tips you will find suggestions for useful cooking substitutions and ideas to make cooking easier while saving money.
Be careful to count the ingredient cost with candy recipes because sometimes making homemade candy is more expensive than buying candy in the store.
Slice a piece of cake in half. Turn the top piece with the frosting over and make a "sandwich". This is an easy way to send cake in lunch boxes.
If you are making a dessert like cookies and you find you have no eggs. Try adding 1/4 cup extra liquid such as milk for each egg and bake as usual. Most of the time it won’t hurt to leave out the egg.
Try using 1 Tablespoon soy flour instead of eggs in your recipes. It is much cheaper and handier to have on hand.
Keep a paper towel in your shortening. Just rub it on pans to grease. No need to clean a brush each time.
Substitute oatmeal for nuts in cakes, cookies and pies. Brown oatmeal in a bit of butter or margarine. The oatmeal adds a nice flavor and crunch.
To make holding the candy thermometer easier when making candy. Attach the candy thermometer to a wire whisk and lay the whisk across the top of the pan. It holds the thermometer for you and frees your hands. Buy chocolate on clearance after the holidays.
Chop solid chocolate bunnies, hearts or Santas and use in place of chocolate chips in baking.
From: Dining On A Dime
Photo By: timlewisnm
Once in a while I find a cake mix on sale real cheap(.99 and under) and like to make soft cookies from a recipe I got a few years ago from someone, can’t recall, who was making red velvet cookies for Valentines Day. I have used the idea for Christmas time etc. or whenever it’s not to hot to bake. Mix 1 box cake mix(your favorite if possible), 2 eggs, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil to form a soft, shiny dough ball, wrap in plastic and place in refregerater to chill (it can be left overnight). Roll out on a floured surface or parchment paper to about 1/4″ thick, cookie cut with what you have handy. I used my canning funnel. Bake in a 350 degree oven, on the cookie sheet with parchment paper or lightly greased pan, for 12 to 16 minutes depending on your oven. Eat one warm, mmm good, then let cool to frost or leave as is. Makes about 2 and 1/2 dozen small cookies. Less if cookie cutter is larger or the dough is rolled out a little thicker.
I like to substitute 1/4 cup of applesauce in place of the egg. I’ve done this for my chocolate chip cookies and no one could tell the difference.