Another Homemade Salsa Recipe!
We will be getting our first frost soon. My daughter in law just called and said “Help! What do I do with these bags of green tomatoes, peppers and onions? How do I make salsa?!”
I figured that many others are in the same boat too. After telling her to save me some tomatoes so I can cook fried green tomatoes, I gave her my favorite salsa recipe from our Dining on a Dime cookbook. There are two homemade salsa recipes in Dining on a Dime and this one is my favorite. The brown sugar seems to bring out the flavors of the veggies so well.
Homemade Salsa Recipe #2
4 large ripe tomatoes
3 cans (6 oz) tomato paste
4 large green tomatoes, skinned
1 1/2 cups vinegar
1 large green pepper, chopped
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
2 onions, chopped
12 jalapeño peppers, seeded, chopped.For extra hot, leave in seeds
4 tsp. garlic powder or 6-8 cloves of garlic, chopped
Process all ingredients in a food processor. Place in a large Dutch oven and bring to a boil. Can. If your family eats a lot of salsa there is no need to can it. Just refrigerate. Makes 6 pints.
For more quick, easy and delicious recipes like this homemade salsa recipe, check out our Dining On A Dime Cookbook!
Wrap some of those green tomatoes in newspaper and place in a cool, dark place. You can have ripe tomatoes for Thanksgiving.
Find a recipe for green tomato relish on the net. Mine uses green tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage. Can be used in the place of pickle relish. Delicious!
If you have late peppers and new potatoes, pressure-can some together, along with oregano and cumin, for white chile later in the winter. Add some pork or chicken, adjust the spices a little, and dinner’s made!
Down South, we pickle green tomatoes, either as dills or as a simple vinegar pickle, often mixed with the end of the season’s cayenne peppers. One year, I got a 10-cent-package sale on menudo seasoning and pickled the ‘maters with that. They were wonderful!
Mock raspberry jam is a great way to use green tomatoes, there are recipes on the web. If you have picky eaters just don’t tell them. I have never had anybody go yuck. You don’t need to can the jam, just freeze in freezer containers.
Thanks for the tip Melanie. As a matter of fact if you don’t mind I will use it for a post for all of those who will be bringing in the last of their gardens in a few weeks.
Here are 2 recipes to try.
Mock Raspberry Jam 1
2 1/2 cups green tomatoes, grated or chopped well in blender
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 (3 oz) package of raspberry or strawberry Jello
Cook tomatoes and sugar on medium heat for 20 mins uncovered. Turn down heat add Jello and cook another until Jello is dissolved. Pour in sterilized jars or freezer container. Stores in fridge a couple of weeks and in freezer about 6 months. Makes 2-3 pints
Recipe 2
4 cups green tomatoes, grated or chopped fine in blener
4 cups sugar
1 (6 oz) pkg. raspberry or strawberry Jello
Cook tomatoes and sugar 10 mins. over medium heat. Turn down heat add Jello and cook 20 mins more. Pour in sterilized jars or freezer containers. Keeps 2 weeks in fridge and 6 months in freezer. Makes about 6 pints.
There was a post last year explaining how to use the 2 liter soda water bottles to make the bottle garden planters. Does anyone have those directions? Thanks, [email protected]
What size can tomato paste for the salsa recipe. thank you for your website. have gotten so many good ideas and useful info!
It’s the small 6 oz. cans.
I just put fresh tomatoes, a chopped 1/2 onion, chili peppers (green), a pinch of salt and pepper in the blender and chop and blend for a couple minutes for fresh salsa.
Try it.
Re: “green tomato relish on the net. Mine uses green tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage”
Will you share this recipe?