Corn Salad Recipe And How To Freeze Corn
From: Sherry W.
I just read about you making frozen corn. I have a different recipe which is very easy. My mom gave this to me when I was first married, which was 30 year ago now.
Frozen Corn
8 cups corn, cut off the cob (You need to scrape the cob too.)
1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 cube of margarine or butter
Add enough water so it won’t stick. Cook about 8 – 10 minutes on stove. It will come to a boil. Let it cool. Put in containers and freeze.
I hope someone could use this recipe. It has worked for us at my house. It tastes like corn on the cob.
About The Corn Salad Recipe
This corn salad recipe is best if served the day you make it. You can, however, do the prep work ahead of time and then just toss things together. Cook your corn, cube the cheese and prepare the other ingredients ahead of time.
I can’t emphasize enough how important prep work is for any meal. The more you can get done early in the day or the night before, the easier it will be, especially this time of year. It is much cooler to work in the kitchen in the morning than in the heat of the day.
If you have part of the meal done ahead of time then, when dinner time comes, you won’t have to stew over what to make. You will also be less tempted to go out to eat because you don’t want to waste what you have already started. Like anything else, the first step is the hardest and you have already taken that by doing your prep work in the morning.
Corn Salad Recipe
5 ears of corn, boiled only 5 minutes
2 medium tomatoes, diced
4 Tablespoons Cilantro, finely chopped
1/4 cup olive oil
4 caps white vinegar (measured from the vinegar bottle cap)
Salt to taste
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, cut in small cubes
Cook the corn and cool. Cut off kernels. Mix in the remaining ingredients, except the cheese. Add the cheese at the last minute before serving.
Photo By: Brian Giesen
I tried this. It is very good and less mess than blanching whole ears of corn and then cutting off the cob and freezing. Thanks!