Dictionary of Cooking Terms
Au gratin – covered with a sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, dotted with butter or fat, and browned under a grill – Cheese may be mixed with the sauce or the crumbs
Baste – keep the surface moist by spooning liquid or melted fat over it frequently
Beat – with an electric beater or vigorously by hand
Blanch – dip food briefly in boiling water, then in cold water, usually to aid the removal of skin
Blend – stir gently until well mixed
Boil – use only sufficient heat to keep the liquid bubbling gently
Bouquet garni – small cloth bag containing usually thyme, bay leaf, and parsley, used to flavor a stew or soup, and removed before serving
Braise – cook on stove top in hot fat until browned, then add liquid and simmer
Brush – use a pastry brush to cover the surface, usually with egg or milk, before baking Coat – cover with a thin layer
Compote – stewed, usually fruit
Consommé – a clear meat stock
Cream – beat shortening until it is of spreadable (creamy) texture
Dice – cut into small cubes
Dot – place small pieces, usually of butter or fat, on the top
Dredge – coat thoroughly with flour, bread crumbs, or cornmeal
Fold – use a wide spatula to gently cut and turn (usually stiffly beaten egg whites) into a batter enough to mix but keeping a light batter
Glaze -brush with a liquid near the end of baking which will give a shiny surface
Grate – shave on or with a grater to produce small pieces or crumbs
Grill – cook under direct red heat
Knead – work a dough lightly by hand to give a smooth texture
Marinate – let meat stand in soy sauce, wine, or seasoned vinegar to improve flavor and tenderize meat
Parboil – boil only part way, then finish cooking with some other method
Poach – cook in hot liquid, water usually
Puree – force cooked food through a sieve, giving fine pulp
Reduce – rapid boiling to evaporate water and thicken
Roux – a mixture of melted fat or butter and flour which is the basis for most sauces
Sauté – cook in a pan over a moderate heat using a small amount of oil
Scald – heat a liquid to just under the boiling point, as to scald milk, or to pour boiling water on
Sear – brown meat very quickly over high heat to seal in juices
Sift – pass through a screen to remove lumps
Simmer – cook below the boiling point where there is only occasional bubbling
Truss – tie meat with string so it will hold its shape
Vinaigrette – a liquid mixture of oil, vinegar, and seasonings
Whip – beating that results in highly aerated mixture, as whipped cream
photo by: stuart_spivack
Thanks for the simple explanation of terms. I like simple and your explanations taught me more than long detailed instructions. I will print this out.
Super post!
You are really preventing me from working today, but it’s just so good to see more people writing about groceries. Keep it up.
been following ur blog around several days. absolutely love what you posted. btw i am conducting a research about this subject. do you know any other great websites or online forums where I might find out more? many thanks.
Rolanda to be honest I am usually so busy with our website I don’t have time to roam to much but I think Tawra has a couple she knows about but she is gone this week. I will try to remember and ask her when she gets back. Sorry I couldn’t help more.