Saving On School Supplies
Most parents resign to an ever increasing list for school supplies, but are those costs really necessary? Here's an easy way to save on school supplies!
Most parents resign to an ever increasing list for school supplies, but are those costs really necessary? Here's an easy way to save on school supplies!
Sometimes readers write to ask us, "Is frugal living harming your kids." Have you ever wondered: Is living a debt free life bad for your kids?
This growing crystals recipe makes a fun science experiment for kids! It's an easy craft and kids love watching the crystals grow a little more each day!
This homemade edible play dough recipe is cheap, quick and easy to make. It's fun for your kids and won't hurt them if the happen to take a bite!
Here's a quick and easy homemade finger paint recipe to save money making finger paint with ingredients you already have! A great indoor activity for kids!
It is important to teach children respect-- for other people and to be thankful for their things. Here are some ideas about teaching respect to children.
It has been popular for years for people to minimize the value of staying home, but there are many reasons why staying home might benefit your family!
If you are a normal parent you probably think your child is a budding Picasso. Here are some tips to go about organizing kids' artwork without going crazy!
Many people recommend expensive school backpacks because they say the backpacks last longer and have a lifetime guarantee. Are they really worth the price?
This easy bake oven cake mix recipe and frosting mix makes a nice jar mix to put in jars or bags to give along with an Easy Bake Oven at Christmas.
Many of us spend small fortunes on teacher's gifts but gifts for teachers don't have to be extravagant. Often simpler gifts can be more meaningful.
Many people wonder how to get kids to help around the house. These easy tips help you train kids to help around the house and learn important life skills!