Folding Fabric
How to fold sewing fabric so that it's organized on the shelf.
How to fold sewing fabric so that it's organized on the shelf.
Christmas Card Books I saw these Christmas Card Books and thought they were a great idea! I just throw mine away but this is a good idea if you like to keep all your Christmas cards. Tawra
Low-tech activities for kids One of our readers sent in this suggestion for fun activities for kids. I thought this article on low-tech activities for kids was a great place to get some ideas to get the kids off the computer this Thanksgiving! -Tawra
I saw a Make Your Own Blue Glass Jars Tutorial over at Remodaholic. Wouldn’t these be pretty sitting on a mantle for Christmas and you use them making jars that you would normally throw away. It is super simple to make and yet so elegant! Tawra
How Do I Winterize An Outside Faucet From: Janice J. How do you use styrofoam to protect an outside faucet? It is getting colder and I am worried. Thanks! I would duct tape a big chunk around the faucet. Maybe break it apart so it fits snugly around the faucet and then just duct tape …
How to make homemade chocolate covered spoons! These are easy to make and great as gifts for Christmas or almost any occasion!
from: From: Jeanne Today I found some lovely, small Christmas card sets at the Tuesday Morning store where I live. They are very old-fashioned designs (Victorian/early 20th century), very lovely, and I bought them because I’d like to create some Christmas decorations as gifts using these cards. One idea I had was to use …
Cute ways to give money.