It’s all about your attitude!
When you look at a field of dandelions you either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes.
The Bible says in Matthew 18:3 that we should become as little children. We really need to become more like children in so many ways. Children see a dandelion as a pretty bright sunshiny flower and that is usually the first bouquet a mom or grandma receives from them. Children find joy in dandelions when they are white and puffy, blowing them, making wishes and dreaming dreams.
We adults on the other hand view them as weeds that we must struggle with daily, trying frantically to get them under control all the time.
It’s time to get a new attitude! Relax a little and stop being so intense. This generation more than other generations that came before us are so uptight about everything, from each little bite of food they are going to put in their mouths, to what they need to wipe their counters with to whether they should even take a deep breath or not.
Take one day off and feed the kids a bowl of cocoa puffs, wipe your counters with just hot soapy water and call it good. Step outside and take a deep breath. Sure, there may be some smog but soon there will be a breeze and the smog will be gone. For one day, try to relax and enjoy your family, life and the dandelions.
photo by: xtheowl
Right on the money here!
I think many folks have been drawn in to the “perfect everything” mentality. They put so much pressure on themselves. That pressure often causes them to buy that pricey item that promises perfection.
If I see a field of dandelions, I see salad with fresh green onions and Italian dressing. Or if I dry the leaves dandelion tea.
You might like or maybe already have this recipe from our web site for dandelion soup
I always wipe my counters with hot soapy water. What do others use? Should I be doing something different? I have always figured that if I can wash my plates with it, it is fine for counter tops too.
You are a person after my own heart and right on target. So many make things complicated by using a special product for this or that or mixing all these special “organic” things like vinegar with this or that to clean with when in most cases all you need is just plain hot soapy water. That is all I ever use in my kitchen for anything.
I will maybe once a week or so add a little (notice I said little) Clorox to my dish water if I have cut up a chicken or something like that or if I have some dishes that are stained or dingy but that is all. Normally I use the hot soapy water. I have researched this time and again with the health department and other places and they say it if fine to use only this.
Back in the late 80’s, early 90’s, when everyone was promoting special “anti-bacterial” cleaners as being superior to what had been used for generations, there was an investigative show that decided to check out the claims of such cleaners. Using scientific methods to measure their results, it was revealed that the so called anti-bacterial products showed a very slight advantage over regular cleaning products, but posed a greater risk of causing other problems. Apparently, the more anti-bacterial and sterile we become to everyday germs, the more problems we have with illness, especially with children, because we interfere with the exercise of our God-given natural immunity systems. For most people, this is the case. Furthermore, it was discovered that anti-bacterial products only give a very slight advantage over soap and water. It turns out that ordinary clean water, (without even soap) will clean and remove most household and everyday germs, almost as well as soap and water. The percentage was around 75% for plain water, 90-95% for soap and water, and 97% for anti-bacterial products. It makes sense doesn’t it? What does the Good Lord use to clean the earth of contaminants, most times?…rain, free-flowing streams, and fresh air and sunshine. The documentary concluded that there was no real benefit to paying the higher prices for so called anti-bacterial products; that lots of water, or soap-and-water, would clean most things, and that unless you are living with a person with a compromised immune system, you are best to avoid the so called anti-bacterial products. Shortly after that show, we saw a real decline in the promotion and advertisement of anti-bacterial products. Now I see it’s all back again.