Did you know you can decorate Easter eggs with Kool aid dye? Here’s an easy recipe with easy tips including how to to dye eggs without the shell!
Decorating Easter Eggs – Dyed Eggs without the Shell
There might be times when you don’t want to mess with the shells and the peeling of dyed eggs. If this is the case you can dye hard boiled eggs that have been peeled. Do just as would if the shell was still on. These would look really pretty made into deviled eggs and laid on a bed of lettuce.
Yes you, can dye Easter eggs with Kool Aid!
Decorating Easter Eggs With Kool Aid Dye
2/3 cup water, (tap water – doesn’t have to be warm)
1 pkg. Kool Aid
Mix. Dip eggs in dye for a few minutes and then remove.
- You don’t need vinegar because Kool Aid is already acidic.
- Lemonade and pink lemonade do not turn out very well when used for egg decorating.
- Grape turns an ugly dark color as an egg dye.
- You can add some Berry Blue to the grape to lighten it and add some strawberry or cherry to the pink lemonade for a pretty shade of pink.
Do the eggs absorb a lot of the flavor of the Kool-Aid and do you have to cover them in the refrigerator so they don’t pick up odors? Also which colors work best? Thanks.
Bea they don’t. Once you dye them you would treat them like any other eggs that you dye for Easter. Actually I think all the colors work really good except for the lemonade and the grape.
Would it work to mix the Berry blue with Cherry to get purple??
Don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
If you are unsure what color it would make add a small pinch of each color to some water and that will give you an idea. You can do this with all the colors to see what blends you like.
Did you know you can make Fruity Lip Gloss with Kool-Aid?
Fruity Lip Gloss
2 Tablespoons of solid shortening like Crisco
1 Tablespoon fruit flavored Kool-Aid
Mix shortening and Kool-Aid together in microwave safe container and microwave on high for 30 seconds until becomes liquid. Remove and pour into small container and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes until becomes solid again.
Coconut oil would work better and be better for you, but will not stay solid in the summer heat.
I like this idea and am going to be using it. Thanks for sharing it. I will be using the shortening so it stays solid at room temperatures.
Thanks Jill.
I think the grand kiddo’s will have more fun doing it with KoolAid….Thank You for the tip Who Knew?
I’m going to use the Kool-Aid recipe on peeled cooked eggs and make the Good Morning Sunshine recipe. Also, I would think you could still use the Kool-Aid to make a pitcher of it to drink since the eggs are cooked and shouldn’t be a problem. Do you think so Jill?
Bea I don’t know why a person couldn’t. I would at least try it and see. The most I can think of is if it absorbed some of the flavor of the egg but I can’t imagine that it would.
Thanks Jill, I hate to throw it away so I’ll try coloring the peeled eggs, and then using it to make a pitcher of Kool-Aid.
Do u have to use the kool-aid brand or can u use generic kool aid just the same???
You can use generic.
This would work with shells still on the eggs, right?
Yes Ed. You use this in place of the Easter egg kits – you know the kind with the tablets that are usually used.
Thanks, Jill, now just have to convince the wife.
Good luck. :) One thing the Kool Aid is better in the fact that most people have it on hand so you don’t have to buy anything special and you don’t have to mess with the smelly vinegar and such. Hope those arguments help you.
can you add vinegar to make it brighter? i used kool aid last year worked good in smelled great kids loved it but the colors wasnt to bright
I don’t know Tabitha. You could also use less water and more Kool Aid and leave them in longer although with impatient little ones that might be hard. : )
We dyed eggs the red was the only color did not come off the eggs. I dyed them while they were hot.Maybe that was it. Thanks
That may have made the difference Shirley.
After I used kook-aid to dye my eggs, the color bubbled up on the eggs. What did I do wrong?
Not sure what you meant by bubbled up. Make sure it was dissolved well.
Ours got little air bubbles on them as well. It almost looked like there was carbonation that had settled on all of the eggs. Then the color rubbed off every one of the eggs. Our was very disappointing. I’m glad that we hadn’t done it with the kids just yet.
Thank u for the kool aid info. We are looking forward to trying this. I will post and let you know how it turns out!!!
It will be interesting to see what happens Natasha. Different people are getting totally different results.
How long do you leave egg in mixture?
Leave it in like you do any other type dye – until you get the shade you want. The longer you leave it the darker the color will get.
I tried the Kool-Aid method and all I got was eggs that looked good until you picked them up, the color bubbled up on the eggs and peeled right off. Very disappointed. :(
Just did this with my 7 yr old twins. Loved it.it worked really good
We did this exactly as the “recipe” called for and it worked great. We did add some yellow food coloring to the yellow to brighten up the color. Bright colors, smooth surface, fun smell!
03/15/16 – Hello!
Totally off-topic, but I wanted to let you know I made the Chicken Pot Pie recipe from your “Dining on a Dime” cookbook last night for supper, and it was Great! It was SO much easier & faster than my old recipe. Will definitely be making it again. Thanks so much! :-)
This might say something about what’s in Kool-Aid.
This could be true but since my 90 year old parents have been drinking it since they were toddlers and many generations of kids have grown up drinking it and I haven’t heard of anyone dying of any gut rot or anything then I’m thinking I will probably keep drinking it.
I am going to use vinagar. I don’t mind the smell but would the color change the effect I am doing. MY little one us using kool-aid for a science experemt. Will it throw off the color?
I don’t think so the main reason your add the vinegar is to help keep the colors and set the dye.
You don’t need vinegar, since kool aid is already acidic
I am going to try this using kool-aid both ways -with shells and and off – to see how it works for us. We have just been buying supermarket eggs lately in New Jersey. Haven’t found a local egg producer yet, at least not one that is in our price range.