Would you like to know how to put your picture next to the comments you make at LivingOnADime.com? It’s easy to do and when you set it up, your picture will also appear next to comments you make on a lot of other websites.
The picture is called a Gravatar and here’s how you set it up:
Find a picture that you’d like to appear next to your comment.
Go to http://Gravatar.com and click the button that says "Get your Gravatar today."
You will be directed to page that asks you to enter your e-mail address to open a free Gravatar account. This account is only used to define a Gravatar so that your picture will appear next to your comments on blogs that have Gravatars enabled. You won’t need this account for anything else and they don’t sell your e-mail address
When you create your account, they will send you a confirmation link that you click to verify that you are the one opening the free account. When you click the link, it will take you to http://Gravatar.com where you can define your password. (Make a note of it so you can change the picture in the future if you want to.)
Once you have a free Gravatar account, login and under "My account", choose "Add an image". You can choose to get a picture of you from you hard drive or from your webcam. I’ll assume that the picture you’re going to use is on your hard drive.) Click "Browse", navigate to the location on your computer where the picture is located, select the picture and click the "Open" button.
Now you will see the picture you have selected with a dashed box in the middle. Click one of the corners with your mouse and drag it to move it. Drag the corners of the dashed box so that it frames the picture the way you’d like it to appear. When you like the way the picture looks, click "Crop and Finish".
You will be sent to a screen where you will choose a rating for your Gravatar using the instructions on the page.
Once you have done this, your picture will be associated with your e-mail address and will appear next to your comments or on any blog with Gravatars enabled (when you use your e-mail address to post)
If you ever want to change the picture you use, you can log in to your free Gravatar account and add a new picture.
I learned how to do that some time ago, but I need to learn how to get a picture to come up when the comments apparently use the website rather than the e-mail. I then end up with just a blank person outline or something generic.
Is this something you can help me with?