I have been making homemade aftershave for Mike for the last 18 years. It’s so simple! Now whenever he needs more aftershave he just sets the bottle on the counter and I know it’s time to make more homemade aftershave!
Here’s our favorite homemade aftershave recipe. I just put it in an old aftershave bottle and then I’m done. If you don’t have an old aftershave bottle you could put the homemade aftershave in a small jar with a lid, a spray bottle to spray it on, or in a small squirt bottle.
Homemade Aftershave Recipe
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
1/2 cup water
1 tsp. cologne, more or less*
Mix rubbing alcohol and water. Add favorite cologne. I just put several squirts in the mixture until it looks like about a teaspoon or two.
*Or add one or two little cotton cologne samples (like Avon samples).
I use and old aftershave bottle like this.
With this kind the lid just pops off. The first time you might have to use a pair of pliers but after that it’s loose enough that you can just pop it off with your hands if you pull firmly.
Spray about 20 squirts in the bottle until there is about 1-2 teaspoons of your favorite cologne.
Then add the water and alcohol. I just pour about 1/3 bottle of alcohol and then fill to the top with water. Pop the lid back on and you have aftershave for about 20 cents!!!
By the way, I think we’ve been using this same bottle for 6-8 years now.
For more easy recipes like this Homemade Aftershave Recipe, check out our Dining On A Dime Cookbook!
Wow…that’s way cool….we’ve been looking for make your own as hubby is allergic to the strong smelly store kind…
I would probably substitute the water in this recipe with witch hazel. Witch hazel is a wonderful, inexpensive astringent. We use it all the time for our face, or on scrapes and bug bites, on sunburns or after we shave our legs. (Note: a soaked cotton ball/pad held in place for a minute or so also helps soothe and shrink hemorrhoids)
great idea!
why the cologne? Why not essential oils or something of that nature? Now keep in mind, that all this homemade stuff lifestyle is all new to me…I’m totally uneducated about all this…
I will say one thing though, it sounds fantastic, & anything that can keep more of my money away from the corporate monsters & the government, I’m all for it.
You could probably use essential oil but usually men’s scents have more masculine smells to them then what you can readily find in essential oils plus we love layer scents. For example women will use lotion in a scent then layer it with perfume or powder to help make it last longer etc. With guys you can the same scent in your aftershave and cologne so nothing clashes.
I think I will try making this for my husband to try.
I shave with a straight razor (similar to the one shown in the pictures and therefore need to use an after shave. Using a Linx aftershave at the moment and my wife absolutely hates it. I would probably need to try off one of these home made ones :)
I recently tried this but all I smell is the rubbing alcohol and not the Stetson I put in does that mean I put too much in
All you need to do is add more of the Stetson until you get as strong as scent as you want. That is why we put more or less on the recipe because people have different sense of smell.